21 Questions for your Post Event Survey

21 Questions for your Post Event Survey

Virtual event survey questions that you can ask your audience

We all need feedback to improve. And even though getting feedback is hard it is essential to measure our success

With a post event survey you will learn what attendees thought about the event. What did they like about the event? how satisfied they are with the event? What aspects can we improve next time we conduct the event among others.

90% of event organizers use surveys post events to gauge the success of the event and attendee satisfaction.

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1. How satisfied are they with the event?

First and foremost ask how satisfied are they with they event. You can create a scale from 1-10 and ask they how they felt the event went

You can also include sub-questions like:

  • How good were the speakers?

  • Quality of sessions?

  • Ticket price? etc

This is usually the first question that is asked during the survey and also a very important one.

If a section of participants are not satisfied with the event, they will let you know and you can ask a open ended question as to what was the reason for their dis satisfaction

2. What aspects we can improve in the next event?

although people liked your event, but there are some things they thought would have been great but weren't.

You can ask this question to find out what those things were:

for example:

  • although the speakers were great but the lighting could have been better.

  • The sessions were getting a bit too long for the attendees liking

there are small things that people notice and that could help us as event organizers do better.

want to learn more about virtual event ideas for your next corporate event refer to our article

3. How likely are you recommend this event to your friend?

People recommend what they like to their friends. Maybe that event was good enough for them to view once but not awesome enough to recommend it to a friend.

You can ask this question on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being most likely to recommend

people in general don't like to negatively say anything about the event because they don't want to sound mean or anything like that

This question can uncover what they really think about the event. If they are really likely to recommend this to their friends they are likely to visit the event themselves again as well.

4. How satisfied were you with the networking opportunities provided at the event?

A lot of events provide networking opportunities and many professionals visit these events to network with other professionals.

If your event is of the kind focused on professionals then you should have a session for networking.

You can even have these kinds of sessions in a virtual event. Giving space and opportunity to talk to 1-1 among professionals.

And if you are providing an opportunity to network, you should measure how effective that session was.

This question is a great way to measure the success of networking opportunities at your event.

5. What topics would you like to see in the future events?

Even thought we carefully pick topics for our event, they audiences might also know a few topics that we might be overlooking

This is an open ended question so the audience can answer anything they like.

If one or more topics keep coming up that we have not considered, this question might help us and guide us in the right direction.

This question can reveal blind spots that we might not be considering

6. What was your main objective in attending this event?

By asking this question we want to learn why are the participants attending our event\

  • do they want to learn from the speakers
  • are they looking for networking opportunities
  • Is there some other reason that we are overlooking

This will also let you know what audiences want from you and you can inform your marketing team about this.

are you giving the customers what they expect from us or is or marketing misaligned with the event and topics.

so that we can change the marketing to align with the event.

7. How did you hear about this event?

With this question you can learn more about your marketing effectiveness

Which marketing channels are giving you the most bang for your buck.

It might happen that people are coming to you organically by searching on the internet or through virality there friends and collogues might have recommended the event to them

You can list a the channels through which you are marketing as a hint to the participants and also give them space to write if they come from an unexpected channel

like so

How did you hear about this event?

  1. Saw the ad on tv?
  2. thorough search?
  3. friend or colleague told me to attend?
  4. None of the above please elaborate:

8. How easy was the accessibility of the event?

Easy of access is upmost important especially in an virtual environment

  1. How was the login experience?
  2. Did you find what you were looking for?
  3. How were the networking opportunities on the virtual event?
  4. did the audio and video work as expected?

We suggest you give the attendees a scale from 1 - 10 with ten being the most satisfied and 1 being the least satisfied with the accessibility

This can let you know about the accessibility of your virtual event software.

A bad software could spoil an otherwise great experience.

9. How helpful was the staff at the event

this is an excellent question to ask especially in a virtual environment.

Virtual can be new and difficult to navigate for some people, staff helpfulness is really important to make the event a success.

In a virtual environment people can send messages and communicate with the staff any problems they might be experiencing

10. What were your favorite experiences or moments about the event?

Asking attendees what were their favorite moments about the event is a great to finding out what clicked with them most

Like what part of the event resonated with them the most or what were sort of boring

IF there are several sections in your virtual event this question could be asked for each section individually

So you can identify what parts of your virtual events is working and what is not working.

11. Did you have an opportunity and place to ask questions and participate?

Many times especially in a virtual environment people don't know how and to where to ask questions

staff may need to prod the participants to participate in the event

Was there a Q&A session with the attendees.

This question also checks out if we are engaging properly with the audience or not.

If a lot of people are saying that they did not get to participate in the event then this could be a problem with us.

12. Were you satisfied with the amount of activities/ workshops?

Many events have activities and workshops in the virtual event. If you have build some work shops it is a good idea to see how the activities and the workshops are performing

Do the people find the workshop or activity to be useful? Are the workshop engaging for the audience?

You can have the participants scale the quality of the activity from 1-10 with 10 being the most satisfied.

13. What was your biggest takeaway from the event?

What is the biggest take away from the event. What is our objective that the participants biggest takeaway should be ?

Are these two aligned?

If not it is a great way to determine what people got away from the event and what we expected them to learn from our event

14. How was the virtual event experience like?

if you are conduc

15. Have you attended our other events before?

This is a nice question to ask. We can find out if the person has attended our events before they could be our fan. we can ask them questions like what do you like about our events ? have you attended other events as well? what have they come to expect from us

if not, how is their first time experience do they attend other peoples event as well

16. Would you attend this event again in the future?

This is a nice question? there are two objectives with this question

  1. Did they get what they wanted to learn from this event or did they compete their objective be it networking or some other

  2. Did they find is so awesome that they want to attend this event again?

17. Were you satisfied with the quality of content ?

Quality of content is the most important thing that drives an event

You cannot have a great event without the good quality content

You can ask this question to both kinds of audiences

  1. they frequently go to events
  2. first time event goers

the people that frequently go to events have an idea as to what to expect from the events. If they find the content good this might be reason that you are doing better than your peers

the first timers are experiencing your event or events in general for the first time

You a metric on how the first timers are seeing your content quality as

Again you can rate the content form 1-10 with 10 being great content.

This way you can learn more about how you are performing

18. What are your favorite virtual features?

You can learn more about what features your customers are most using on the virtual event platform

Are they using the chat most or do they just want to watch the video live stream.

19. Please share any additional thoughts and feedback?

Are there any more thought and feedback that we forgot to ask the participants

If there is something that they think could help us

This is an open ended question and the participants can answer anything they want to say

Pre event survey Questions

Here are some pre event questions that you can ask your audience:

  1. What are you most excited about?
  2. Why are you attending this event?
  3. Where did you first hear about us?
  4. Have you attended this event before?

What are you most excited about?

You can ask participants what is the think that you are most excited about

You can give them a list of options to choose from:

  1. Core concept of the event
  2. The speakers
  3. networking

Why are you attending this event?

What is the goal the participants want to achieve by attending your event

You can ask them the questions like

  1. Core concept of the event
  2. for the speakers
  3. to learn a skill
  4. Networking
  5. Some other reason

This teaches you what is the one thing the participants are looking for in your event.

Where did you first hear about us?

This is something that could be helpful to your marketing team

What channel is working the most for you?

Where should you focus your efforts the most to achieve the marketing results and reach?

Learning where the customers are learning about us goes a long way in achieving success.

4. Have you attended this event before?

This is a good question to ask. More people that are attending your event could be a good sign. It might be that people like your event and want to attend even more of your events

The people that are attending your event for the first time could also give you some good insight as to how the first time attendees are viewing your and what they like about your event.


Here are the top survey questions to ask your virtual event attendees.

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